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Drug Take Back Box Available To The Public



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Thursday September 8, 2022

Drug Take Back Box Available to the Public 24hrs a Day

Etowah County will now have a drug disposal box available to the public, states Sheriff Jonathon Horton.

They pollute our water, line our landfills, and endanger our citizens. They are the medications that fill cabinets and drawers when they have done their job and are no longer needed.

Many times, they get flushed down drains and taken out with the trash to negatively affect our environment. But other times, they are stolen, found by children or others and taken for any reason but the one they were prescribed for.

In recent years, events like Drug take back days are held which allows people to bring back their unused and unneeded medications to be disposed of properly. Now, the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, the Etowah County Sheriff's Office and the Etowah County Drug Enforcement Unit will be providing a drug disposal box for you to dispose of your unwanted medications.

The misuse of prescription medications has become an epidemic in every single community, city and state and its only getting worse. These medications are readily accessible because they are found in nearly every single home and this makes it much easier for children to obtain, states Sheriff Jonathon Horton.

To help with this problem a drug collection box has been installed at the Etowah County Sheriff's Office and will be available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

